OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diode)

OLED displays utilize organic compounds to emit light when an electric current is applied. It is thin, lightweight, and offers flexibility in display implementation, making it suitable for flexible and transparent displays, as well as for automotive displays and AR/VR applications.

  • 1st Generation
    Fluorescent Material

    • 1963

      First organic luminescence in Antracene crystal

    • 1987

      Formation of low-molecular-weigh organic thin-film structures with Alq3, TPD -> First practical OLED

    • 1989

      Host(Alq3) - Dopant(DCM) system emerge

    • 1990

      Discovery of EL properties in conjugated polymers

  • 2nd Generation
    Phosphorescent Material

    • 1998

      Development of phosphorescent dopant based on organometallic compounds such as PT(OEP), Ir(PPy), etc.

  • 3rd Generation
    Natural Fluorescent Material

    • 2010

      TADF(Thermal Activated Delayed Fluoresence) device development

  • 4th Generation
    Luminescent Material

    • 2010's

      Hyper Fluorescence device development and research in progress

OLED Structure

oled image

oled image

OLED structure description
Cathode Acts as a reflective layer to inject electrons
EIL(Electron Iniection Layer) A layer that injects electrons generated from Cathode
ETL(Electron Transfer Layer) Electron transport layer
EML(Emission Layer) Luminescent layer
HTL(Hole Transfer Layer) Electron holes transport layer
HIL(Hole Injection Layer) Electron holes injection layer
Anode Role of injecting electron holes

Next generation OLED – Transparent OLED Structure

oled image

OLED Product

OLED Product
HIL HI - 011 / 012 / 013
HTL HT - 001 / 012 / 013 / 014 / 015 / 017
Q-03-001 BH - 011 / 012. RH - 011
Q-03-002 BD - 011
Q-03-004 HT - 016
Q-03-005 GD - 011. RD - 011
ETL ET - 011 / 012
EIL ET - 011(Liq)
Intermediate ON - 201 / 202 / 203 / 204 / 301 / 302 / 303 /306 /308

Customer response

  • 1

    Customer request

  • 2

    Technical consulting

  • 3

    Request sample production

  • 4

    Approval/contract, Subsidiary materials supply

  • 5

    Pilot production

  • 6

    Mass production/Delivery